Monday, May 19, 2008

Menu Plan Monday

This will be a very simple menu this week. Saturday we will be celebrating CJ's birthday, which means I need to get a lot of cleaning done this week, and I don't want to mess the kitchen up too much - lol! Anyway, I just wanted quick and easy stuff for the week, so it's a super simple one this week.

Monday: Leftovers (we have so many leftovers in the fridge, they have got to be eaten!)

Tuesday: Shepherd's Pie (I need to use up the mashed potatoes in the fridge!) ~ Salad ~ Rolls

Wednesday: BLT's (yes...again...we love them!)

Thursday: Breakfast (Eggs, toast, cereal...whatever)

Friday: Homemade Pizza

Saturday: We will either be grilling hot dogs and hamburgers, or we will have Mexican, which will either be a taco bar or enchiladas. I haven't decided yet!

Sunday: TBD

For more menu ideas, be sure to visit Laura at I'm an Organizing Junkie!

1 comment:

  1. We can definitely eat BLTs every week (or more!) too...they're just so yummy!


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