Welcome to my blog!
(This page was updated in January 2014)
You clicked the "about me" tab, so you asked for it - I'm not known for keeping things short and sweet...you have been warned!
I am a forty-something wife and mom. I married the love of my life back in 1992. We will be celebrating 21 years in May! He is a fire fighter and does millwork on the side.
We have two wonderful children. Our son, CJ just was born on our 2-year anniversary. He was a preemie - I was only 24 weeks along and he weighed 2 lbs. 2 oz. You would NEVER know it now! He is 19. He put off going to college for a year, just to figure things out. He's continued working for Chick-fil-A in the meantime. He knows he's been called into the ministry, but has been seeking direction from God in exactly what that means. I believe he is planning to start school in the fall at a Bible college. He is an amazing young man, and I could not be more proud of him. He is a hard worker, is very kind and generous, and loves God with all his heart.
Our Daughter, Ruthi came along 10.5 years later. We waited a long time for her, losing a few babies before her, and began to accept the fact that we weren't going to be able to have any more children. She was a long-awaited blessing, and a big one at that...weighing in at 9 lbs. 15 oz. She is a bundle of joy. I prayed for a happy baby/child while I was carrying her, and is she ever. She's an absolute ray of sunshine and has one of the most caring hearts I've ever known. She is in the 4th grade, and amazes me every day with how smart she is. She is growing up WAY too quickly, and I wish I could figure out a way to slow her down! The boys are bugging her constantly - they all want her to be their "girlfriend." But she is adamant that she has NO interest in having a boyfriend. She has already said that she will NOT be dating, but when the time is right, she will enter a courtship. I pray she continues on that path!
When I was growing up, what I wanted most was to be a wife and mom, and God gave me exactly what I wanted! I have been very blessed to be able to stay home with our children. There have been many sacrifices made for that to happen, but it couldn't be more worth it!
I am a homeschool mom. I began "officially" homeschooling CJ when he was 3 years old. With the exception of two years (fourth and fifth grades) he was always homeschooled. Ruthi was homeschooled from day one!
They both attend (attended) a local tutorial center where homeschooled students go for instruction two days a week, and are given assignments to be completed at home the remaining three days. CJ graduated in 2013 from there.
I also tutor at the center, so I have the best of both worlds. I get to do something I LOVE (teach), on the days Ruthi has classes, and I get to be home with her and do school with her the rest of the week.
Why Chronicles of a Night Owl?
Because I have always been a night owl! That's when I am most productive! However, with life the way it is right now, it doesn't lend itself to my night-owl ways. Most of the time I have to be in bed at a decent hour, and up at an hour that, once upon a time, was much closer to my bed time!
But, I'm still a night-owl at heart, so I'm not changing the name! And I'm sure in a future season of my life, I'll go back to my night-owl roots!
Besides taking care of my family, there are some other things I love:
Cooking, baking, scrapbooking, card making, DIY projects, watching TV, reading blogs, gardening, running, riding my bike, and blogging!
However...most of those things I've done very little of lately...school has consumed most of my time and I've had so very little time to many of the other things I really enjoy.
I'm not terribly great at time-management, but it's something I'm working on, so that I CAN make time for the things I want to do!
And now I'm going to try to add blogging back into my schedule as well...we'll see how that goes!
I will stop there. I could keeping going, but I've already almost written a novel here! I wasn't kidding...short and to the point is NOT my thing! But you were warned! If you're still reading, you probably know more about me than you cared to know! Hope it wasn't too painful!