Sunday, May 18, 2008

He's Da Man

That would be my wonderful hubby. He is DA MAN!!!!!

He restored my computer settings and everything is working like a charm now...well, at least as good as it was before anyway.

I am a very happy camper. And getting my pictures backed up has moved up on the priority list!

We had a great day yesterday. We visited hubby's parents. It was my MIL's birthday on Thursday, so we celebrated it and Mother's Day. We took lots of pictures, but most of them are going to need some serious editing. The ones we took outside have awful shadows and bright spots, so hopefully I can make them look a little better.

I played around with one of them - you can see it in my sidebar now. That one was a little difficult, because I took Chip and CJ's faces from one picture and Ruthi and my faces from another and combined them. Ruthi was frowning in one, and Chip and CJ both had funny faces in the other. I wanted one where we all looked "normal" and that's what I came up with!

As soon as I can get some more worked on, I'll post them.

1 comment:

  1. did an incredible job with that photo, Jennifer! I never would have guessed that was two photos combined.

    Hooray for your hubby! So glad everything is fixed up for you now.


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