Monday, January 18, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

This past week reminded me how much I love having my menu planned for the week. It definitely makes things easier. No trying to figure out what to make, or starting to make something and realizing I'm out of an ingredient! I truly had forgotten what a big step this is in making life easier!

Last week I tried Chile-Garlic Chicken Thighs and Cheesy Rice Fritters for the first time. The chicken was pretty good - nothing spectacular. The flavor was good, it just didn't permeate the chicken as I would have liked it to. But those cheesy rice fritters were WONDERFUL! They were even good cold the next day as a snack! I definitely plan to make those again.

Here's what's up for this week...

Monday - Sandwiches
Tuesday - Ranch Chicken, Baked Cabbage, Zucchini Fritters, Cheddar Biscuits

Wednesday - Hamburger Soup, Rolls
Thursday - Leftovers
Friday - Mini Homemade Pizzas - each person will add toppings of their choice
Saturday - Mexican Lasagna, Refried Black Beans, Chips and Homemade Salsa
Sunday - Leftovers

To see more menus or add your own, be sure to visit Menu Plan Monday at I'm an Organizing Junkie!


  1. What a delicious menu plan. I hope you guys enjoy the baked cabbage.

  2. Hey, you really are getting around bloggy land today (C:

    Zucchini fritters sound wonderful!!

  3. me again...those cheese fritters sound amazing too, hubby is not into "fried" anything. We are truly trying to eat "healthy" and where I don't have a problem budging here or there...he's not much for that, so these may never get made, but boy do they sound great!


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