Tuesday, March 04, 2008

American Idol - Top 8 Guys

High hopes for tonight as I love me some 80's music! Can the guys deliver? Here's what I thought. (Oh, and Chip's watching with me tonight, so maybe I'll throw in a couple of his comments and hopefully that won't make him be unwilling to watch with me again!)

First up, Luke Menard - I really like him, he's just so stinkin' cute! Oh, I'm torn here - he's doing a good job, but I'm just not sure it's enough.
Well, looks like Simon may be in a bit of a bad mood tonight. Paula liked it. I'm just not sure if he's doing enough to secure a top 12 spot!

David Archuleta - this is one talented kid and he does not disappoint. Chip says he thinks he likes this version better than Phil's! We both loved it.
OK, I'm a little surprised with the judges comments, but I definitely think he's here for the long haul and so does Simon.

Danny Noriega - Are you kidding me? Ok THIS is TMTH!!! (Too Much To Handle - in case you didn't watch and missed that whole bit.) He is so annoying. And I think this is the worst he's done so far. He sounds off and is difficult to hear at times. Thank You Simon!!! He's the only one of the judges who heard correctly on that one!

David Hernandez - I love his voice - very soothing. The booger story - NOT soothing. Thankfully he can sing so I can forget that story! Wow - he's rocking some Celine! Fantastic job!

Michael Johns - Yay, one of my favorite 80's songs. Oh no, I'm so disappointed - he's just not quite there. He seems to sing just a bit under the music if that makes any sense - like he's so close but just can't quite get there. He's just not cutting it at all with this one.
Well, apparently the judges are hearing something different than I am, as they really liked it. That's good, I like Michael. But I still didn't care for his version of this.

David Cook - Another one of my favorite 80's songs, maybe this one will do it for me. Wow, I REALLY like what he's doing with this one - brave changes and they are working! Awesome! I think by far, the best tonight. Chip really likes it too - his favorite as well. And hey - the judges agree!

Jason Castro - No guitar tonight - I hope that's a good sign. Wow, seems to be, he's doing much better than last week. Oops, I think he lost it right there at the end, but other than that, I think he was really good. Chip says this is the first time he's liked him at all. Good job Jason, and the judges agree.
(But wow, Paula is having a difficult time getting her thoughts out tonight! I keep laughing at her!)

Last but not least, Chikezie - Great song choice, I think. He did a good job, not quite as good as last week, but still good!

Favorites tonight? The 3 Davids! Wow, must be something about the name! Very interesting.

Who will go home? Well, I think the 3 in danger are Danny, Luke and Michael. Unfortunately I'm afraid we're going to have another Sanjaya disaster and Danny's going to make the top 12. Especially if the stupid "Vote for the Worst" people have anything to do about it. Guess we will have to wait until Thursday to find out!


  1. Great review!

    I agree that Luke is a cutie; hope he stays another week! Talent-wise, I like Archuleta, Hernandez and...that may be it. I like Castro too, and hope Luke goes to a whole new level and surprises us all.

    Talk to ya tomorrow for the girls!

  2. :(

    maybe I should start watching..or the very least Tivo it.


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