I'm usually pretty terrible and doing these posts where I've been tagged. I have good intentions, I just have a hard time following through with doing them. So I'm doing this one since I was tagged twice.
Stacey tagged me, then
Trista - so I suppose I should do this one.
tagged by Stacey - http://thetruestthing.blogspot.com/
So, I've been has tagged for this fun idea wherein I have to share 12 random things about myself that are Christmas related. Here are the rules:
1. List 12 random things about yourself that have to do with Christmas
2. Please refer to it as a 'hoopla' and not the dreaded 'm'-word
3. You have to specifically tag people when you're done. None of this "if you're reading this, consider yourself tagged" stuff is allowed...then nobody ends up actually doing it. The number of people who you tag is really up to you -- but the more, the merrier to get this 'hoopla' circulating through the blogosphere.
4. Please try and do it as quickly as possible. The Christmas season will be over before we know it and I'd like to get as many people involved as possible.
Here goes:
12 Random Christmas Things About Jennifer:
1. I love Christmas trees and would have a whole bunch of them if I had the space. And they would be in all different themes. Since I don't have much space, besides our family tree, I usually put small trees in the kids' rooms; a small tree in the kitchen with cookie cutters, mini whisks, wooden spoons, etc; and in the guest bathroom, a small one with seashells. And sometimes we put a tree on the front porch. However, this year I only put up the family and kids' trees. If I had a big house - I would have a tree in every room. I'd love a snowman tree, a firefighter tree and a Santa tree plus a few more! (Wow that was a long #1!)
2. I adore snowmen, and have been collecting them for some time. I love to add to my collection. Although sadly, they aren't out this year.
3. Eggnog is one of my favorite Christmas indulgences.
4. My favorite part about Christmas is the giving. Sure, I like to receive gifts, but I love to give gifts to others.
5. My absolute favorite Christmas song is
I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas, and it's just not Christmas without it. I finally got the CD with it on it so I can listen to it as many times as I want. (And now Ruthi loves the song almost as much as I do!)
6. I always buy Reece's Peanut Butter Trees for our stockings.
7. I dream of a white Christmas. However I know that the only way I'll ever have one is to go somewhere it actually snows!
8. I love to make handmade gifts for Christmas. This year is my favorite so far, as I've expanded in to some new things...and I'm very pleased with the results.
9. I love to fall asleep with just the light from the Christmas tree.
10. I used to decorate my tree with red and silver. Since we painted a few years ago, I switched so it would match and now use blue and silver. I love the colors!
11. All the gifts under my tree have to be wrapped in similar colors - and they must all contain blue! This year everything is in the same paper - I had a HUGE roll I bought last year. I've wrapped everything so far (which is almost everything) and still have quite a bit of this paper left. (It's reversible, so some gifts at least have the reverse side used!)
12. I would love to have a Christmas winter wonderland in my front yard with lots of lights and decorations. But it is just too much work. And I love to have my whole house decked out. But this year is the bare minimum - the family tree and kids' trees. Yep...that's it. It's a sad year for decorating. I've just been too busy making gifts to want to put my energy into decorating. Hopefully I'll do better next year.
OK, that was harder than I thought it would be! But there you have it - 12 random, boring facts about Christmas for me.
Who can I tag? How about
Lori and